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Safety of the autovaccine

Twelve tubes of blood are taken from the patient to make one course of autovaccine therapy. Two extra collection tubes are filled and sent as a control sample to a laboratory once the preparation of the autovaccine has been completed as one batch. All the blood samples in the collection tubes are properly labelled as soon as they have been obtained from the patient to avoid the possibility of accidental exchange with another patient. As explained further on this site, the autovaccine is nothing more than the patient’s own blood – sealed in vacuum tubes - that has been kept at body temperature in sterile conditions, and gently rocked, for the duration of several weeks. This sets off a denaturation process of all bio-active molecules in the blood – with the exception of human and bacterial DNA molecules which are essentially indestructible. This process is called incubation.

Read more …Safety of the autovaccine

The Role of Bacteria in Evolution

In the footsteps of Koch, Fleming and Darwin.

The work of these three revolutionary scientists has influenced our world dramatically in the last 200 years. This is particularly true for medical practice. Koch contributed to our knowledge of bacteriology – and therefore of the causes of illness. Fleming’s discovery of the healing powers of penicillin saved the lives of millions of people and animals and this earned him a Nobel Prize. Darwin’s work delivered a well-researched explanation for the origins of life in his theory of evolution. Contemplating these giants of science, it is hard to conceive that their contribution could also have significant oversights, even though this is recognised as being something that is true of all great discoveries.

Read more …The Role of Bacteria in Evolution

Cell Wall Deficient Bacteria (CWDBs)

Cell wall deficient bacteria – germs in disguise

By the end of the 19th century, the founder of the science of bacteriology, Dr Robert Koch, had determined that every type of bacteria had its own unique immutable form and caused its own specific illness.

 Bacteria are not nearly as easy to define as previously believed.

His ideas have been universally accepted as being true. Even up to the present day, his ideas are used as an important knowledge base for medical science. Koch’s work of identifying the different bacterial agents behind specific diseases has been the basis for treating patients suffering from these diseases for more than one hundred years. However, some years later, various renowned microbiologists, such as L.H. Mattman, L. Dienes and G.L. Domingue suggested that our view of bacteria should not be as dogmatic as Koch lead us to believe.

These scientists discovered, described and catalogued the many and varied versions of cell wall deficient (pleiomorphic) bacteria that they had isolated during their years of research. These morphed bacteria are nothing like the rigid form as described by Koch. Not only did they discover the existence of these pleiomorphic bacterial forms, in many cases, they were also able to prove the relationship between them and Koch’s parent form of the bacteria.

Read more …Cell Wall Deficient Bacteria (CWDBs)

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