Is there a link between Alzheimer's and Lyme disease?
We recently (2018, how time flies) bumped into an interesting article about a possible connection between Alzheimer's and Lyme disease and other infections. It confirms a growing suspicion that Alzheimers could have a microbiological causal factor. It is an interesting read. Only today the 8th of June 2022 one of our readers found out that the site where the link to the article was pointing to, appeared to be hacked and was pointing to an entirely different content.
Luckily there exists the internet archive with the so called wayback machine, which made it possible to go back to the date of publication in 2018 on our site and thus to a working link, which at that time was still intact.
Our webmaster was able to regain the article again and made it possible to view again, now as a pdf-file on our own site. click here for the article on Lyme and Alzheimer.